Thursday 19 January 2012

Clever Cubs Update - January 2012

Andy: Andy is one of the three children that graduated from Clever Cubs in 2011! The graduation took place on the 26th November and it was a big day for Andy! She received her graduation certificate and was the centre of attention for the day, looking beautiful in her gown and graduation hat! On the 17th of January she will join all the other kids on the school bus every morning and go into Windhoek. She is very excited and is counting the days!

Bessa: Bessa has grown up very much particularly in the last year. It is funny to see how each child has its own pace of growing up and its own character. Bessa is very much an autodidact, he loves to try things out on his own, and he does not need as much attention than some of the other children. Once he has figured something new out, he then loves to share it with the other kids. His work has improved tremendously and we are confident that he will work very hard again during the upcoming term, his last one before he moves to the bigger class.

 Catriona: Catriona is our little comedian, she loves picking up new expressions she hears from all of us in English and Afrikaans and then incorporates them into her own mix of languages. This is great because without her realising she is learning the languages! The latest addition to her vocabulary is "so funny", which she uses in every possible situation. Every time she does her laughter can be heard all the way up to the neighbouring farm! She loves playing in our new sand pit and her laugh makes us all laugh with her!
 Christina: On the 26th of November, Christina was the star of her own graduation from Clever Cubs school. Her eyes were filled with tears, as she was both very excited and nervous, as well as extremely happy. It was a very emotional moment for all of us to see Christina and the other two graduates walking into the room to obtain their diplomas. Christina is now looking forward to join her sister Maria at Eros primary on the 17th of January.
 Dara: We were a bit worried because Dara has been on a very long holiday visiting her family and we did not know when she was going to come back. But now she has finally arrived and is ready to go back to nursery class when school starts! She has grown a lot and her big smile seems to have grown even bigger! All her friends at school and her teacher Hilma are very happy to see her back at N/a’an ku se. Welcome back Dara!

 Denzel: Denzel has been spending some time with his grandparents at Gobabis. We don’t blame them, we would love to have this little friendly boy with us at all times as well!! He has just come back to school now, and is sharing all the new toys that he got from his grandparents with the other children. He is such a generous child!
 Frans: Frans is very excited and cannot wait for school to start because this will be his first year in the big kids’ class. Here he will learn to read, write and start with simple maths tasks, to start to get him ready for primary school in Windhoek. Frans is a great big brother and it is adorable to see how he takes both of his little brothers by their hands to come to school every morning. He is such a lovely boy!

Hendick: Hendick used to have a very hard time coming to school, and so did his mom! He used to cry and cry all the way from his door to the school because he was scared of school! Since then, he has changed a lot, and now he just very casually waves his mom good-bye and is the first one to run to school in the mornings! He has become a big boy, and has also started saying some words, which makes things both for him and for teacher Hilma a lot easier. He has opened up to all the other children and made many good friends in school now!

Imencia: Imencia was one of the three children that graduated from Clever Cubs school on the 26th of November! She was quite nervous, which is probably normal when you have to walk into a room full of your friends, family and volunteers taking photos and video of the big star as she was on the day! She has framed her certificate and it is now hanging on her wall right next to her bed, so every morning when she wakes up it is the first thing she looks at! From January onwards she will be joining the older children every morning to take the school bus into town.
 Jessica: This is Jessica’s last year at Clever Cubs before she will join the bigger kids on the school bus to Windhoek every morning. This means that Jessica has to work very hard this year. The school in Windhoek teaches in Afrikaans and English, and although Jessica is fluent in both those languages, she still needs to improve her reading, especially in English. She has actually done some reading during her holiday break and has improved a lot on her own already!
 Lisa: Lisa made us all laugh very hard on graduation day with her sexy moves. That girl can dance and is not shy to show everyone either! She cannot resist to those crazy African beats whenever she hears them somewhere! Lisa is joining the bigger kids’ class this year, which means that she will have to dance a little less and work a little harder! Lisa got a lovely pair of earrings for Christmas which have now replaced the safety pins which she used to wear and that we all found very punk and cool!

Ndeshi: Ndeshi stayed at Naankuse over the holidays, as her dad had to work all through the holidays. She spent a lot of time helping him and all the other workers with whatever needed to be done. She is looking forward to starting school again though and seeing all her friends that did go away for the holidays. She is very happy for her sister Andy, who is going to join the bigger kids in school in Windhoek this year.
Saul: Saul was visiting his grandparents in the South of Namibia over the holidays. They are quite old already, so it was good for him to spend some quality time with them! He is now back at Naankuse and happy to continue learning so he can then show his grandparents his progress when he next goes to visit them!

Valencia: Valencia is like a little mother to all the rest of the children. She loves the little ones especially and helps out when it comes to taking care of them whenever she can, especially when it comes to lunch time and helping the toddlers to eat their food. She is starting her last year at Clever Cubs now, and has promised to make a big effort so she can go to mainstream school next year! Valencia has also just received a package in the post from her supporters, the dress looks beautiful on her and she loved the card and the teddy lion! Look at that big smile that says thank you!

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