Monday 16 January 2012

Clever Cubs graduation - November 2011

On the 26th of November, we celebrated the graduation ceremony of three children from our Clever Cubs school: Andy, Christina and Imencia. 

Thanks to our teacher Hilma and her loyal helper Tempeltine, we were able to enjoy a full morning of celebrating, dancing, laughing and shedding the one tear or two during the more emotional moments. 

The event was attended by all the children, their parents and families, N/a’an ku sê staff and volunteers. The girls wore beautiful graduation gowns, sponsored by Bruno Frateschi, and received graduation certificates from Hilma who commended their efforts this year and wished them luck at their new school in 2012. 3 older students, Willemina, Martha and were also congratulated for excelling in particular subjects at Eros Primary School and were presented with certificates awarded by their Windhoek teachers.
It’s wonderful to celebrate their achievements with their parents so their families understand how hard the children work and what a difference this work could make to their futures. It could offer them a live out of poverty, full of hope, where they can achieve their full potential.

It is a great achievement for these children to be able to graduate from school and attend primary school in Windhoek from January onwards. Thank you Hilma for your beautiful work and congratulations to Andy, Imencia and Christina!!!

To watch the video of the day please click here.

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