Tuesday 22 June 2010

Clever Cubs - June 2010

Here's assistant's Theopoltene and Anna who helped to run Clever Cubs for a couple of weeks during the main school holidays whilst Hilma was on leave. The children still love their bright and colourful school; enjoying lessons from 9am, followed by play in their very own playground and a delicious lunch.

Kanna loves school and is always willing to learn. He enjoys counting and colouring and always has a smile on his face. In the mornings Kanna now works as the driver of the Sarah Stapleton Express Donkey Cart and leads the cart and volunteers round to check the border fence each day for any holes. Here he is with Snyman who is teaching him to lead the donkey cart.

Anna is very helpful and dedicated. She assists Theopoltene with the nursery class of children. Anna is always on time and loves maths. Here she is in pink with her friend Josephine.

Andy is a real caring and sharing child and loves playing with her friends. Here's Andy up at the blackboard getting another answer right!

Dien loves playing with dolls and pretending to be a mother. Her colouring has really improved and she has become much neater. Here she is on the left, showing off her work, with the rest of our Clever Cubs.

Christian is always eager to learn and we are looking forward to enrolling him into the main school in Windhoek soon. He enjoys taking part in all the different activities. Here's Christian looking as gorgeous as always with his brilliant smile. He's always bright and happy.

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