Tuesday 22 June 2010

Nursery Clever Cubs - June 2010

The nursery class continues to expand with all of the tiniest ones coming along including baby Dara, George’s baby sister, who was born in May and Denzel who is now seven months old!  The older nursery children love all the babies and help carry them around which is very funny to watch! Here's Anna and Theopoltene, teacher Hilma's assistants.

Jessica is really growing up and has become very active. She is always the first one to get to school.... as well as the first to get on the swings! Here she is on the right with friends George, on the far left, and Frans, in the middle.

As you can see George, on the far left, is growing up into a big boy now and loves playing with toy cars.

Bessa has grown loads and is now a little toddler. He loves running round, colouring and playing on the swings. Here he is singing into a giant microphone!

Caitriona is developing really well. She runs to school and loves throwing the ball. And you should see the way she dances!

Lisa is a really lovely child. She loves singing and colouring and is another great dancer! Here she is enjoying playing with a colourful bus at nursery.

Deshi is like her sister, Andy, and is always sharing and playing with others. She enjoys counting, singing and loves tucking into her lunchtime meal. Here's Deshi all wrapped up for winter in her winter coat and hat!

Here's our two youngest, baby Dara, at just a few days old and baby Denzel, now eight months... our youngest Clever Cubs!

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