Friday 17 September 2010

Clever Cubs Class - Sept 10

Our Clever Cubs continue to develop and grow both in size and in their ability to play, communicate and learn. Our Clever Cubs teacher, Hilma, along with her assistants Tepletene and Anna are working hard to provide the children with a good start in life. 
Hilma is busy working with some of our older Clever Cubs to get them ready for grade 1 at the Windhoek Schools when they start next year.

The children are very excited about the visit planned with staff from KMPG next month for the official handover of their new school minibus. KPMG Namibia have kicked off the sponsorship of this bus but we are still searching for two more sponsors to enable us to purchase the bus outright and save costly monthly payments and interest. Email if you are interested or have any contacts who might be able to support us.

Help us to raise awareness and support by telling your friends, family and colleagues about our work – send them the link to our School Video and encourage them to join our ABC Club.

ANDY has really improved in her school work; her work is always neatly done. Hilma is so proud of her.

DIEN loves coming to school, she enjoys painting and drawing pictures of herself and she is very helpful in class.

DINA is so smart and always willing to do her work, she is one of the four children going to grade 1 next year and she can’t wait.

LEVY has really improved and Hilma is very proud of him. His work is always neatly done and he always likes to assist others. Good boy Levy!!

Willemina is so sweet and helpful especially with the little ones, she is so excited to go to grade one next year.

MERCIA is looking forward of next year where she gets to go Windhoek, she is so helpful in class and enjoys playing with her friend Willemina. 

ANNA is very helpful and always willing to assist the children in the nursery class. She helps out with story time by translating it into San language and the children love it. In the afternoon Anna comes to school to learn and she enjoys doing Maths.

KANNA always makes sure not miss a day from school just like his big sister Anna. He also likes doing Maths and loves colouring in.

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