Friday 28 October 2011

Clever Cub Pre-school Children - October update

Andy: Andy is very excited about starting mainstream school in January. The school has organised a welcoming party and braii for all the new kids starting next year on 4th of November and she is very much looking forward to seeing her new classroom and meeting her teacher.  Andy looked beautiful when we did facepainting at school last week!

Bessa: He is such a cute boy and always comes to school with a big smile on a face! He is always very helpful and has made great progress picking up new English vocabulary, which he now loves to try out on everyone, especially the volunteers who spend time in the school. We are so proud of him. As you can see, he has a very healthy appetite and loves his daily school meals!

Christina: In her PE classes, Christina has shown great eye-hand coordination and has good balance while moving, controlling her small muscles well. She is shy and a bit nervous about leaving Clever Cubs for mainstream school in January but she has her friends Andy and Imenencia joining her and she's looking forward to the Welcome Party at the school on 4th November where she will meet her new teacher and classmates for next year.

Dara: Dara visited her grandmother in Gobabis over the summer school break and is staying there for a little while longer. Her mum, Corro, who is a Domestic worker here in the kitchen and laundry, told us that she is always on her feet and has grown so big, it won't be long before she is walking! We really can’t wait to see her back at Clever Cubs school. 

Denzel: Denzel is also away at the moment, visiting his grandparents in Gobabis. He has grown so quickly and is quite a big boy now! His naughtiness has also grown at the same pace and he is always up to some mischief... We are all counting the days to when he comes back to school after a lovely long stay with his family.

Frans enjoying his lunch with school friend!
Frans: Frans is in his last year in the toddlers class at Clever Cubs and he cannot wait to move over to the bigger class next year! He is getting on well with his fellow students, especially with his best friends Lisa and Ndeshi, who he keeps his brightest smiles for! 

Jessica: We are all very proud of Jessica as she has been a very good girl throughout the year and has shown a lot of interest in her school work. Last week we were lucky enough to be joined by an artist who did facepainting on all the children which she absolutely loved and got very involved in - doesn't she look pretty?

Catriona: Catriona loves picking up new expressions she hears from all of us in English and Afrikaans. Her latest addition is "so funny", which she uses in every possible situation. She loves playing in our new sand pit and her laugh makes us all laugh with her! 

Lisa with friend Catriona very excited
at receiving donations of clothes
Lisa: Lisa is well on her way to joining the bigger class at Clever Cubs next year as her schoolwork has improved greatly in the last months. Lisa lives with her Mother Sara and her Grandma who are both Domestic workers in the kitchen here, and both are very proud of their pretty little girl. Lisa received some beautiful clothes from a recent donation - she loves her new colourful t-shirts, jumpers and socks!

Ndeshi: She gets on very well with all the kids, but her best friends are by far Lisa and Frans. All three of them will be in the big class next year, which is very exciting for Ndeshi! She has worked hard to get there too. She is also very excited about her big sister Andy joining primary school and has promised that she will try to help her with her homework! So sweet.

Saul: Saul is such a big boy now, he has grown a lot in the last few months and now takes the lead most of the time when it comes to playing with his friends. He loves building sandcastles in our new sand pit. Here's a picture of him enjoying lunch at a face painting party at Clever Cubs last week - Saul was a pirate for the day!

Valencia: She loves working with her books but mostly enjoys colouring. Valencia can’t wait to move out of the toddler class into the older class next year so she can prepare for Grade one at mainstream Primary school. It is such a pleasure to work with children like Valencia, as she is always similing and willing to participate in all school activates.

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