Friday 28 October 2011

News from the Clever Cubs - October Update

The kids have been studying hard during this last term and almost all of them have improved their grades. But it has not all been hard work, as you know here at N/a’an ku sê we work hard and we play hard, and that applies even to the little ones! Read about our facepainting party and Teacher Hilma's graduation in Early Childhood Development...

New clothes for the kids! 

In August the San Bushman families received a very generous donation from Burgland Charitas. They received beds, mattresses, new curtains for their houses in the village and bicycles to get around on the farm. And thanks to supporters like Wolfgang Tschirf from Germany, the kids received plenty of new clothes for the kids.

We were all extremely happy with these very generous donations, but the happiest were the children themselves, they did not ever want to put their new clothes down again! Thank you to everyone at Burgland and Wolfgang!

Facepainting and yummy chicken!
On October 23rd our Clever Cubs school received the visit of "Big Papa", also known as Claudio Frateschi. Claudio and his family, Sylvie, Bruno and Annie and their friend Flo flo are loyal friends of N/a’an ku sê and return every year to visit the kids.

This time they brought a very special treat with them: They spent an entire morning doing facepainting with all the kids, and helped Clotilde, our cook, to make some very yummy chicken for them which they loved! It was beautiful to see their painted happy faces.

A note by Hilma

In September of this year Hilma, our loyal Clever Cubs teacher reached one of the most important moments in her life, she graduated!

Below is a little note from Hilma herself, congratulations, Hilma!

"2010 was the most memorable year in my life. This is the year I got to study my Certificate in Early Childhood Development (CECD) and also got the job here at the Clever Cubs School, something that I have dreamt of all my life. I have always been looking forward to work with the Bushman community as well as to study.

This course consisted of 12 very important subjects such as: Early Childhood Development in the Namibian Context, Management and Administration, Hygiene and Safety, Nutrition and Care, Developmental Areas and stages of the child and many more. Since this was a distance course, it  enabled me to work and study at the same time.

We wrote our Exams and I managed to pass all my subjects. On the 30th of September was the big day when we graduated and I obtained my certificate. I would also like to mention that I will continue with my Diploma next year (2012) and I really can’t wait.

Thank you to all of you for your ongoing support!
- Hilma."

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