Tuesday 10 April 2012

Eros Primary School Fun Walk

It is an annual tradition at Eros Primary School to do a Fun Walk to raise funds for the school. Each year they choose a different theme and this year it was "LOVE AND HAPPINESS". On 20th March, the children were encouraged to dress up in red, white and black as they hit the streets of Windhoek on their charity event.

Andy, Imencia, Chrisjan, Willemina, Bettie, Christina, Dina and Maria all took part in the walk which is always a fun filled event as the school really tries to make it a memorable day for the children. The parents even join in too and the 5km walk is assisted by the Windhoek City Police Traffic as there are several hundred children and adults walking the town, collecting money along the way. 

Our San Bushman children were extremely excited to be part of this and said they saw quite a lot of new things such as different types of buildings and cars. The first stop on their walk was a children's home where they played with some of the children there, and then they walked on, past the hospital and stopped for a water break. When they arrived back at school the children were given cool drinks and got to restock their energy levels with snacks from the school tuck shop like hotdogs, chips, sweets and even ice cream. 

The day was filled with fun and entertainment and our children said they had so much fun and look forward to doing it again next year.
Imencia, Christina and Andy

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