Tuesday 10 April 2012

Measles Immunizations

Our Lifeline Clinic Doctor, Dr Sarah France, comes back to the N/a'an ku se farm every couple of weeks or so and holds an open clinic for all the San Bushman living here. She checked all the children and realised that most of them had missed their Measles Immunizations. It is compulsory for every child in Namibia to have DPT, Polio and Measles vaccines from birth until they are 10 years old.

As most San parents rarely even have birth certificates for their children, most of the Clever Cubs had missed several of their vaccine dates, which put them at high risk of getting sick. So our teacher Hilma, arranged to take them into the Robert Mugabe Clinic in Windhoek to be seen by the nurses there.

On 20th February, 7 of the youngsters boarded the bus including Catriona, Dara, Jessica, Frans, Caroline, Regina and Bessa - they were ever so excited, singing and dancing in the bus. On 24th February 3 of the older ones went to the clinic after school - Christina, Imencia and Chrisjan, where Hilma met them.

The nurses were wonderful and made the process as simple as possible for the children, but they were all glad Hilma was there to look after them and hold their hands through the experience. The reactions from the children were quite varied, poor Jessica screamed and shouted as she was scared of needles. But it was the tiniest ones who surprised us the most - Catriona and Dara, who were quiet and patient the whole time.

Hilma will continue to monitor their immunization dates and ensure all of the children are up to date with their vaccines. The parents are very grateful for the extra support. The next group of children will go in June/July and then another group in November. 

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