Friday 17 September 2010

Clever Cubs Class - Sept 10

Our Clever Cubs continue to develop and grow both in size and in their ability to play, communicate and learn. Our Clever Cubs teacher, Hilma, along with her assistants Tepletene and Anna are working hard to provide the children with a good start in life. 

Nursery Class - Sept 10

Our ever growing number of little ones really love coming to school each and every day. With all the exciting activities they are doing, no one wants to miss out! They spend lots of their time playing with building blocks and it is so interesting to see how they come up with new ideas.

The children are very excited about the visit planned with staff from KMPG next month for the official handover of their new school minibus. KPMG Namibia have kicked off the sponsorship of this bus but we are still searching for two more sponsors to enable us to purchase the bus outright and save costly monthly payments and interest. Email if you are interested or have any contacts who might be able to support us.

Help us to raise awareness and support by telling your friends, family and colleagues about our work – send them the link to our School Video and encourage them to join our ABC Club. 

JESSICA is so sweet and caring; she loves to play with the other children and is great at sharing with them.


CAITRIONA is a big girl now; she loves being on the swing and also playing with the dolls.

DESHI always make sure that she has a doll in her hands, she enjoys playing the role of a mother most of the time.

GEORGE makes sure that he is the first one to get most of the toy cars and he is so proud to have a little sister, Dara.

DENZEL is growing up quickly and now spends most of his time building blocks. He loves listening to story time as well.

FRANS plays big brother towards his little brother Saul. He loves painting and makes sure that he is the first one to get a plate at lunch time.

Dara is a sweet little baby that spend most of the time sleeping and listening to the lovely songs and rhymes.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Mainstream School Children - Sept 10

Hilma continues to help the older children already at the mainstream schools with their homework and extra learning in the afternoons and to monitor their progress. The children still have lots of energy to keep them going through their long day and the schools have seen a very big improvement in most of the children. 

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Mainstream school pupils - June 2010

Our older children are all doing well at the mainstream schools and we are very proud of how they are making friends, learning and developing. It’s a very long day for them as they leave the farm every morning by 5.30am but when they return back in the afternoon they go straight into Clever Cubs for Hilma to help them with their homework. They all have their set seats on the minibus and take blankets for a little sleep on the way to and from school!

We still need to secure the remaining funds to purchase our own school minibus, please email if you would like to sponsor the bus or help us to fundraise for it.

Bettie loves school so much and she did really well last term. Bettie particularly loves reading and colouring. Well done Bettie! Here's Bettie on the bus on the way home from school.

Maria is also doing well at school and her reading and writing have shown great improvement. Maria passed all her exams last term. Keep it up Maria! Here's Maria on the bus sitting next to Martha.

Martha was one of the top in her class last term. Martha loves learning and is extremely bright. You are a star Martha!

Josephine is always eager to go to school. Josephine enjoys colouring and showed great improvement last term. Keep it up! Here she is with her typical teenage pout in the middle!

Sofia always looks forward to school and passed with flying colours last term. Sofia is a great role model, especially after being made a monitor for her grade. Well done Sofia! Here she is on the right with her friends, the two Josephine's!

Willem and Christina also both did well last term but have now left N/a’an ku sê with their parents. We wish them all the best for the future. Thank you for supporting them.

We are pleased to have a new family on the farm and we have managed to secure places for their older children in the school. Here's Christian who gone into grade 2 on the swing, Saul in grade 7 and Betha in grade 6.

Clever Cubs - June 2010

Here's assistant's Theopoltene and Anna who helped to run Clever Cubs for a couple of weeks during the main school holidays whilst Hilma was on leave. The children still love their bright and colourful school; enjoying lessons from 9am, followed by play in their very own playground and a delicious lunch.

Kanna loves school and is always willing to learn. He enjoys counting and colouring and always has a smile on his face. In the mornings Kanna now works as the driver of the Sarah Stapleton Express Donkey Cart and leads the cart and volunteers round to check the border fence each day for any holes. Here he is with Snyman who is teaching him to lead the donkey cart.

Anna is very helpful and dedicated. She assists Theopoltene with the nursery class of children. Anna is always on time and loves maths. Here she is in pink with her friend Josephine.

Andy is a real caring and sharing child and loves playing with her friends. Here's Andy up at the blackboard getting another answer right!

Dien loves playing with dolls and pretending to be a mother. Her colouring has really improved and she has become much neater. Here she is on the left, showing off her work, with the rest of our Clever Cubs.

Christian is always eager to learn and we are looking forward to enrolling him into the main school in Windhoek soon. He enjoys taking part in all the different activities. Here's Christian looking as gorgeous as always with his brilliant smile. He's always bright and happy.

Nursery Clever Cubs - June 2010

The nursery class continues to expand with all of the tiniest ones coming along including baby Dara, George’s baby sister, who was born in May and Denzel who is now seven months old!  The older nursery children love all the babies and help carry them around which is very funny to watch! Here's Anna and Theopoltene, teacher Hilma's assistants.

Jessica is really growing up and has become very active. She is always the first one to get to school.... as well as the first to get on the swings! Here she is on the right with friends George, on the far left, and Frans, in the middle.

As you can see George, on the far left, is growing up into a big boy now and loves playing with toy cars.

Bessa has grown loads and is now a little toddler. He loves running round, colouring and playing on the swings. Here he is singing into a giant microphone!

Caitriona is developing really well. She runs to school and loves throwing the ball. And you should see the way she dances!

Lisa is a really lovely child. She loves singing and colouring and is another great dancer! Here she is enjoying playing with a colourful bus at nursery.

Deshi is like her sister, Andy, and is always sharing and playing with others. She enjoys counting, singing and loves tucking into her lunchtime meal. Here's Deshi all wrapped up for winter in her winter coat and hat!

Here's our two youngest, baby Dara, at just a few days old and baby Denzel, now eight months... our youngest Clever Cubs!